Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable Tourism in a simple term means tourism that is economically viable but does not destroy the resources on which the future of tourism depends, including the environment and the social structure of local communities.



My Iran tour is the first and the only Iranian travel company organizes and arranges green tour with sustainable approaches in Iran. From Hybrid cars to Professional responsible guides and drivers, we offer the best real Eco lodges in Iran with least plastic consumption, but these are not the only approaches we are looking for in our green tours…




Our Approaches are


  1. Minimal impacts on the local population. (Impacts can be physical, social, and even psychological). 
  2. Emphasizes environmental and cultural awareness and respect. (Proper waste disposal, respecting animal habitats, honoring local customs, etc.)
  3. Provides positive experiences for both visitors and hosts. 
  4.  Financially contributes to environmental conservation.


  5. Generates financial benefits for local people. (Employing locals and paying them fairly). 
  6. Helps raise sensitivity to host countries’ political, environmental, and social climates by interpreting these concepts to visitors. 
  7. Designs, constructs, or operates low-impact facilities. (Solar panels, composting, plastic-free, etc.)
  8. Recognizes the rights, traditions, and spiritual beliefs of the local Indigenous People and works in partnership with them.








Our Services


1.Toyota or Hyundai Hybrid Car

2. Licensed professional responsible tour guide and driver


3. Sustainable tools

4. Green hotels with least plastic consumption

5. Restaurants run with locals using most organic ingredients and materials



Tips how to be a responsible traveler

Sustaining Tourism’s Guide to Being
a Responsible Traveler


  • Be considerate of the communities and environment you visit.
  • Don’t litter.
  • Carry your own shopping bag to avoid contributing to the plastic problem
  • Remove all packaging before leaving home…avoid excessive waste and the use of plastic bottles
  • Bring your own mug and consider purifying your own water (life straws are great)
  • Lose the straw – and if you want one, bring your own reusable one
  • Reduce energy consumption. Unplug your mobile phone charger, turn off the lights…
  • Conserve water. Take shorter showers… the average hotel guest uses over 300 litres of water per night! In a luxury hotel it is approximately 1800 litres!
  • Always ask before taking photographs. If someone says no, respect their wishes.
  • Educate yourself about the place you are visiting and the people – you are their guest.
  • Travel off season if you can … better prices and less crowded
  • Respect cultural differences – and learn from it! People in different places do things differently – don’t try to change them – enjoy it.
  • Dress respectively. Cover up away from the beach. Cover your head in religious places. Notice local dress codes and adhere to them.
  • Support the local economy. Buy locally made souvenirs, eat at local restaurants – enjoy the local culture!
  • Take public transit. Use a bicycle. Or if you must rent a car – why not a hybrid or electric one if available?
  • Support a local charity or organizations that works towards responsible tourism – if you aren’t sure – ask around, it’s a great way to start a conversation
  • Before you go, ask your travel provider (tour operator, travel agent) about the company’s environmental and responsible tourism policies – support those who support responsible tourism.
  • Ask your accommodation provider (hotel, guest house, lodge) about their sustainability practices – do they compost? Recycle? Have fair labor laws? Have an environmental policy?
  • Support responsible tourism organizations – those operators who publicly are aiming to make tourism more responsible.
  • Support local organizations – either in the place you visit or where you live